Data Visualization Step One

Education Techonology
Michelle Cui

Research question one

What is the relationship between teacher’s perspectives on the school’s attitude toward using ICT in teaching and technology use in the classroom?

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# Summary statistics
rq1_clean$it2g14a <- factor(rq1_clean$it2g14a,
                            levels = c(1,2,3,4),
                            labels = c("Strongly agree",
                                       "Strongly disagree"))

rq1_clean$it2g05a <- factor(rq1_clean$it2g05a,
                            levels = c(1,2,3,4),
                            labels = c("Never", "Less than two years", "Between two and five years", "More than five years"))

rq1_clean$it2g05b <- factor(rq1_clean$it2g05b,
                            levels = c(1,2,3,4),
                            labels = c("Never", "Less than two years", "Between two and five years", "More than five years"))

rq1_clean$ii2g12a <- factor(rq1_clean$ii2g12a,
                            levels = c(1,2),
                            labels = c("Yes", "No"))

rq1_clean$partt <- factor(rq1_clean$partt,
                          levels = c(1,2,3),
                          labels = c("Both Cycles",
                                   "Only 2018",
                                   "Only 2020"))

rq1_clean <- rq1_clean %>% 
   rename(`Country ID` = cntry,
         `Year of Response` = year,
         `Teacher Participation` = partt,
         `School Consider ICT a Priority` =it2g14a,
         `ICT Use During Lesson` = it2g05a,
         `ICT Prepare Before Lesson` = it2g05b,
         `ICT Self-support` = ii2g12a)
A descriptive table for the Research Question one.
Show code
                 type = "categorical",
                 title = "Table 1. Summary of School and Teacher's Perspective on ICT",
                 notes = "Source: International Computer and Information Literacy Study(ICILS)")
Table 1. Summary of School and Teacher’s Perspective on ICT
N %
Country ID DNK 1617 23.6
FIN 3194 46.5
URY 2051 29.9
Teacher Participation Both Cycles 4318 62.9
Only 2018 2132 31.1
Only 2020 412 6.0
School Consider ICT a Priority Strongly agree 2710 39.5
Agree 3073 44.8
Disagree 681 9.9
Strongly disagree 59 0.9
ICT Use During Lesson Never 188 2.7
Less than two years 537 7.8
Between two and five years 1700 24.8
More than five years 4342 63.3
ICT Prepare Before Lesson Never 97 1.4
Less than two years 366 5.3
Between two and five years 1170 17.1
More than five years 4993 72.8
ICT Self-support Yes 4944 72.0
No 576 8.4
Source: International Computer and Information Literacy Study(ICILS)

A Table for Missing Values in Research Question one:

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Table 2. Missing values in key ICT related variables
Insights into digital infrastructure and support disparities
Missing Values by Year and Participation Cycle
Country School Consider ICT a Priority ICT Use During Lesson ICT Prepare Before Lesson ICT Self-support
Response Year Teacher Participation Cycle
2018 Both Cycles DNK 6 1 12 48
2018 Both Cycles FIN 21 3 18 46
2018 Both Cycles URY 27 12 17 117
2018 Only 2018 DNK 19 7 26 82
2018 Only 2018 FIN 10 5 17 21
2018 Only 2018 URY 59 23 46 237
2020 Both Cycles DNK 30 6 16 199
2020 Both Cycles FIN 17 1 13 71
2020 Both Cycles URY 78 18 31 279
2020 Only 2020 DNK 7 2 5 35
2020 Only 2020 FIN 1 1 3 6
2020 Only 2020 URY 64 16 32 201
Research Question One

Initial Visualization version:

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rq1_clean_vis <- rq1_clean %>% 
  filter(!`School Consider ICT a Priority`) &!`ICT Use During Lesson`) & !`ICT Prepare Before Lesson`) &!`ICT Self-support`)) %>% 
  filter(`Teacher Participation` == "Both Cycles")

p1 <- ggplot(data = rq1_clean_vis, aes(x = `ICT Use During Lesson`, fill= `School Consider ICT a Priority`)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge")+
  facet_wrap(`Year of Response`~ `Country ID`)+
  labs(title = "Figure 1. Frequency of ICT Use during lessons by School ICT Priority across countries",
       x = "ICT Use During Lessons",
       y = "Count",
       fill = "School ICT Priority")+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+


Research Question One

Final Visualization version:

What I did is to combining the two plots could provide a more comprehensive view of how ICT use evolved across different contexts before and during lessons, while also showing school ICT priority changes from 2018 to 2020. By this point, I realize my data for Research Question one is not tidy enough.

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rq1_clean_vis_long <- rq1_clean_vis %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(`ICT Use During Lesson`, `ICT Prepare Before Lesson`),
               names_to = "ICT Use",
               values_to = "ICT Frequency")

rq1_clean_vis_long$`Year of Response` <- as.factor(rq1_clean_vis_long$`Year of Response`)

p2 <- rq1_clean_vis_long %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = `Year of Response`,
             group = interaction(`Country ID`, `School Consider ICT a Priority`),
             color = `School Consider ICT a Priority`,
             shape = `Country ID`)) +
  geom_line(stat = "count") +
  geom_point(stat = "count", size = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ `Country ID`) +
  labs(title = "Figure 1. Frequency of ICT Use Before Lessons by School ICT Priority Across Countries (Pre- vs. Post-Pandemic)",
       x = "Year of Response",
       y = "Count",
       color = "School ICT Priority",
       linetype = "Country",
       shape = "Country") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+


My null hypothesis for research question one: School ICT Priority has no influence on teacher’s ICT use before and during lessons.

Run ANCOVA analysis to test my null hypothesis.

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rq1_analysis <- rq1 %>% 
  filter(! &! &! &!!! %>% rename(`Country ID` = cntry,
         `Year of Response` = year,
         `Teacher Participation` = partt,
         `School Consider ICT a Priority` =it2g14a,
         `ICT Use During Lesson` = it2g05a,
         `ICT Prepare Before Lesson` = it2g05b,
         `ICT Self-support` = ii2g12a) %>% 
  filter(`Teacher Participation` == 3)

ancova_fit1 <- aov(`ICT Use During Lesson` ~ `School Consider ICT a Priority` + `Year of Response` + `Country ID` + `ICT Self-support`, data = rq1_analysis)
                                  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
`School Consider ICT a Priority`   1   9.75   9.746  28.470 3.74e-07
`Country ID`                       2  11.56   5.778  16.878 2.71e-07
`ICT Self-support`                 1   0.11   0.108   0.317    0.575
Residuals                        140  47.93   0.342                 
`School Consider ICT a Priority` ***
`Country ID`                     ***
`ICT Self-support`                  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Show code
ancova_fit2 <- aov(`ICT Prepare Before Lesson` ~ `School Consider ICT a Priority` + `Year of Response` + `Country ID` + `ICT Self-support`, data = rq1_analysis)
                                  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
`School Consider ICT a Priority`   1   5.05   5.053  16.174 9.41e-05
`Country ID`                       2   2.20   1.102   3.527    0.032
`ICT Self-support`                 1   0.07   0.071   0.226    0.635
Residuals                        140  43.73   0.312                 
`School Consider ICT a Priority` ***
`Country ID`                     *  
`ICT Self-support`                  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cui (2025, Feb. 19). Data Visualization Final Project: Data Visualization Step One. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cui, Michelle},
  title = {Data Visualization Final Project: Data Visualization Step One},
  url = {},
  year = {2025}